Regulation respecting the use of gasoline motors
Under the Parks Regulation (L.R.Q, c. P.-9, s.11, art.14), the use of gasoline motors for watercraft is prohibited throughout the Parc national des Grands-Jardins. However, due to the long distances to be covered, the size of the body of water and safety considerations, the use of gasoline motors (Max. 9.9 Hp) is permitted on the following bodies of water: |
Alex |
La Roche (rivière Malbaie) |
Pointu |
Carré |
Malbaie, Étang |
Sicard |
Castors, des |
Mignon |
Sainte-Anne |
Équerre, de l' |
Noir |
Hébert |
Pattu |
Using gas motors (max. 9.9 hp) is allowed on all of the lakes at Réserve faunique des Laurentides that are allocated for fishing by Parc national des Grands-Jardins. The 23 bodies of water are: |
Assigny |
Bigras |
Gadbois |
Sandra |
Auge fourquin, de l' |
Chambers |
Gadbois, petit |
Thomas-Fortin |
Bazot |
Chaudière |
Gélinas |
Vents, des |
Bennett |
Edmond |
Harpin |
Bernard |
Flopée, de la |
Raymond |
Use of Electric Motors |
The use of electric motors is allowed throughout the park's fishing territory. You can recharge your batteries at the Via Ferrata Visitors Centre (Mont du Lac des Cygnes sector, km 21). |