The Astronomy Festival is a unique opportunity for passionate about astronomy to be inspired by the stars. The festival is also the only time of year when the public is allowed to observe the nighttime skies at Mount Megantic Observatory. Take advantage of this great privilege to become starstruck when using the most powerful telescope of eastern North America.
Activities at the foot of the mountain (ASTROLab)
Special presentation at the ASTROLab in the multimedia room : Poussière d'étoiles (starry dust)
Free visit of the Du ciel étoilé à l'Univers infini (from the starry sky to the infinite universe) exhibition
Outdoor naked eye and telescope sky gazing (weather permitting)
Nighttime hike (weather permitting)
Activities at the summit of the mountain (at both observatories)
Visit of Mount Megantic Popular Observatory, the only nights when it is open to the public. Observation in the 1.6 meter diameter telescope if the sky is clear. The activities are conducted in French.
Visit of the Popular Observatory : presentation on the WEBB spatial telescope if the sky is overcast or observation with the 61-cm diameter telescope if the sky is clear. The activities are conducted in French.
Approximate length: between 2 hrs (when the sky is overcast) and 2:45 hrs. (when the sky is clear)
Shuttle service: the ascent to the observatories will be done by shuttle service (included in the price of the activity).
Go to the Observatoire sector registration centre 15 minutes before the selected departure time. The registration centre is located 25 minutes from Franceville sector.
Don't forget
Warm clothing (coat, toque, gloves).
Child (17 years and under)
Taxes and park entry fee not included. Holders of an Annual Québec National Parks Card benefit from a 15% discount on the purchase of a ticket for an astronomy activity.