Free loan of equipment
A number of destinations offer the free loan of certain equipment for people with reduced mobility upon presentation of the CAL card and upon availability.
- Ski-Vel: equipment on which a wheelchair (not included) can be mounted to allow access to snow walking trails (available in winter).
- Kartus wheelchair: specialized wheelchair designed to run in duo on multifunctional trails (available in summer).
- Hippocampe wheelchair: wheelchair adapted for swimming, sand, and snow (available in summer and winter).
- Trackz wheelchair: adapted light all-terrain wheelchair for enjoyment of outdoor activities. It is recommended for an active person who can move about in a wheelchair without assistance (available in summer).
- WaterWheel: wheelchair suitable for swimming and sand (available in summer).
- Trident watercraft: floating board designed to provide stability and accommodate a wheelchair and an assitant in the back (available in summer).
- Beach mat: an access mat that facilitates the passage of wheelchairs, pedestrians or strollers on a flat surface (available in summer).
- Opair tricycle: special cycle that allows a person with reduced mobility to be transported on the front (available in summer).
Destination | Type of equipement |
Parc national d'Aiguebelle |
- Kartus wheelchair
- Hippocampe wheelchair
Parc national du Bic |
- Ski-Vel
- Kartus wheelchair
- Trackz wheelchair
- Opair tricycle
Parc national de Frontenac |
- Trackz wheelchair
- WaterWheel
- Trident watercraft
- Beach mat
Parc national des Îles-de-Boucherville |
Parc national du Lac-Témiscouata |
Parc national du Mont-Orford |
Parc national du Mont-Saint-Bruno |
Parc national du Mont-Tremblant |
Parc national d'Oka |
- Ski-Vel
- Kartus wheelchair
- Hippocampe wheelchair
- Opair tricycle
Parc national d'Opémican |
Parc national de la Pointe-Taillon |
- Kartus wheelchair
- Hippocampe wheelchair
- Opair tricycle
Parc national de la Yamaska |
- Kartus wheelchair
- Hippocampe wheelchair
- Opair tricycle
Station touristique Duchesnay |
- Kartus wheelchair
- Hippocampe wheelchair
- Trackz wheelchair
Réserve faunique de Portneuf |