Message important
Attention! For walleye, size ranges to be respected.
- Washing stations for personal watercraft : To reduce the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species on its waterways, here are the Details and location of washing stations
- Nearest registration centre : Lac Rapide
- Distance from the registration centre : 28 km
- Accessible by car
- No walking required
Boats and motors
- Motor required: Minimum 9.9 hp , no limit
- Electric motor allowed
- Propane motor allowed
- Gas motor allowed
- Personal boat
Description du plan d'eau (EN)
- Surface area of the lake: 2631.66 ha (26. 31 km2)
Fish species
- Northem Pike
- Northem Pike catch and possession limits : 6
- Walleye
- Walleye catch and possession limits : 6
- Lake trout
- Lake trout catch and possession limits : 2