
On the territory of Sépaq Anticosti, you can hunt 2 deer/hunter, and if you form a group, everyone can keep hunting until all the deer are harvested. Accommodations are varied: ranging from well-equipped rustic shelters to a luxurious lodge with gourmet meals to comfortable seaside cabins.

How do I book a stay?

White-tailed deer hunting stays at Sépaq Anticosti that are not subject to a random draw are offered in priority to reservation holders who booked the same stay the previous year. The remaining stays are then offered to customers on a waiting list.

In the event that the remaining stays do not meet the requirements requested by customers on the waiting list, these stays may be resold without notice.

In all cases, stays may be offered again, subject to the conditions below:

  • Have no outstanding receivables or accounts with Sépaq.
  • Not have been convicted of any contravention(s) of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife and its regulations.
  • Respect the administrative rules in effect concerning the possession and the number of catches permitted for fishing, and harvest no more than two deer per hunting stay per hunter.
  • Respect the exclusivity of your assigned territory: do not violate it by hunting in another sector not listed in the sales contract, or by fishing in a waterway other than the one to which you have been issued access.
  • Be safe in the handling and use of your firearm during your hunting stay.
  • Demonstrate good citizenship and respect for Sépaq employees. No verbal abuse, aggression, or reprehensible acts will be tolerated.

Sépaq reserves the right to offer stays on terms and conditions other than those listed above.

For more information or to join our waiting list, call 1-800-463-0863.

To find out about our available hunting stays for the 2024 season, call 1‑800‑463‑0863.

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