Station touristiqueDuchesnay

Current rates

Do you want a rough idea of the rates? These tables will help you plan your stay. To find out the exact rate for the accommodations you want, simulate a reservation and check out the package deals. Please note: all of the rates may change without advance notice and they may vary by date and by composition of your group. Taxes are extra.

Visit (2024-2025)
Daily passport - Summer - Adult

Including: Access to the beach, watercraft rental (except for the 6 to 8 seats SUP), hybrid bicycle rental, loan of games and self-guided activities.

/ day / adult
Daily passport - Summer - Children

Free of charge for children 17 years and under in company of their family in accommodation
Children 6-17 years old without accommodation: $33.75/day/children
Free for children 0-5 years old.
Including : Access to the beach, watercraft rental (except for the 6 to 8 seats SUP), hybrid bicycle rental, loan of games and self-guided activities.

/ day / children
Family - 2 adults and 2 kids

Including : Access to the beach, watercraft rental (except for the 6 to 8 seats SUP), hybrid bicycle rental, loan of games and self-guided activities.

/ day
Equipment rental (Winter 2023-2024)
All skiing equipement (cross-country) - Child

Classic skiing
Free of charge for children 17 years and under in family context

/ day
All skiing equipment (cross-country) - Adult

Classic skiing

/ day
All skiing equipment (cross-country) - Adult

Skate skiing

/ day
Mountain snowshoes - Adult $18.75
/ day
Mountain snowshoes - Child

Free of charge for children 17 years and under in family context

/ day
Skates $12.75
/ day
Skishoes - Adult $21.50
/ day
Skishoes - Child

Free of charge for children 17 years and under in family context

/ day


Packages for the establishment


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