Bear hunting
This is one impressive beast! The bear is Québec’s largest predator, and many make our territories their home. What a dream scenario for hunters who, come spring, choose the wildlife reserves for their enviable success rate, on-site advisors, and comfortable cabins. You have to keep your eyes peeled in your watchtower. The site will have been carefully baited. The ultimate shot of adrenaline is guaranteed!

European Plan package
Offered in Ashuapmushuan, Matane, Port-Daniel, Portneuf, and Rimouski wildlife reserves.
- Staying in a cabin
- It’s fully equipped: lighting, stove, fridge, toilet, hot water and shower, fireplace or wood stove, as well as all the equipment you need for preparing and serving meals. Check out your cabin’s technical sheet during booking.
- Hunting access fee
- Holders of a black bear hunting licence are authorized to hunt in a particular sector of a wildlife reserve for a specified period. Each hunter can harvest one black bear.
- Free service
- Access to a cold room.
/4 days
Taxes not included.
Offered by partners in La Vérendrye, Laurentides, Mastigouche, Papineau-Labelle, Rouge-Matawin and Saint-Maurice wildlife reserves.